The Spiritual Warfare For Our Nation.
Sunday July 3rd. Don`t miss Pastor Jim`s message on the spiritual warfare for our nation. Starts at 11:00am. Love to see you and you don`t want to miss this message.
Sunday July 3rd. Don`t miss Pastor Jim`s message on the spiritual warfare for our nation. Starts at 11:00am. Love to see you and you don`t want to miss this message.
That time of year kids. Vbs Castle Kids Sunday July 10 - Thursday July 14. Grades K-6 Pre-School with Parent. Teen and adult discussion group. 6:30- 8:30Pm. 716-895-9652 or 716-725-7642 for more info. Hope to see you there.
Church Picnic at Stigelmeier Park Shelter 2 following morning service. Please come out and have a relaxing time of fellowship and FOOD.
August 28th at our 6:00pm. evening service Bro. Ron & Brenda Buring will be speaking.
YEHAW cowboys and cowgirls Sept 4th is coming. What`s coming you ask. Well it`s just the best hooting and howling this side of Texas, it`s round up Sunday. So wear your best western duds and come on out at 11:00. Right following the service were fixing to have some great chow and you just cool […]
Come and enjoy a great message from Gods word from Bro. Larry Curtis
Summer is over and fall is here. Fall is a beautiful time of the year and with fall comes tract & treat. Put on your best costume and join us on Oct. 30th. Will be giving out apple cider and donuts and don`t forget the treats. So join us and have lot`s of fun.
Come join us at 11:00AM. for morning service on November 20th. with Rev. Ken Overby from Jewish Awareness Community Ministries. Come out and enjoy a great time in the Lord.
Please come celebrate with us the birth of our Lord. On Dec. 24 at 6.00 pm we will be having our candlelight service. It is such a beautiful time of fellowship and worship to our Lord and King Jesus Christ. You don`t want to miss it. Come out and enjoy. Hope to see you then. […]
Come one come all to our annual winter picnic on Friday 5-24-2023 at 6:00pm. for a great time of fellowship and all your favorite summer time eats. We are going to have a great time and don`t be shy bring a friend or friends or family members. Hope to see you here.